Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fences Compared

Security Fencing Options Compared

chain link fence - the disadvantage of a chain link fence is that it is easy to climb, but most importantly the main disadvantage of a chain link fence is that you can see through it, which is both a privacy concern and and security concern.

chain link fence with inserts - panels are inserted to make it harder to see through at a distance. This is an attempt to stop the disadvantage of being able to see through it which helps at a distance but you can still see through it up close. It is also not attractive.

brick wall - brick walls have some advantages over other options, but the disadvantages are cost and ability to fix easily after damage. Brick walls are costly and if damaged are expensive to fix and require a brick layer to do the work.

wood fencing -wood fencing burns, and can be quickly damaged by the elements. Wood fences don't last long and are easy to penetrate or be damaged by vandalism such as kicking in and breaking the wood slats.

steel fencing - steel fencing advantages include:
  • you can't see through it, increasing privacy and security
  • doesn't burn, can help as a fire barrier
  • durable, and can withstand wind and weather
  • looks nice
  • hard to climb
  • medium price range compared to options
  • can be easily fixed by inserting new panels by anyone
 image courtesy of

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Galvanized Steel Security Fence Advantages

Disadvantage of Chain link fences for security

Some people think that a chain link fence with barbed wire on top is a pretty good solution for perimeter security.

There are at least two big disadvantages to chain link fences for security.

1. You can see through a chain link fence. This can compromise security in many ways.
2. Chain link fences are pretty easy to cut.. and even cut and leave them cut without it being obvious there is now a way through the fence.